Gosh it has been awhile, but my friend Stacy said, " You must post-blog about this." So I am..here I go. Laurel and I went back to Madison for a surprise visit for Isabella's 10th birthday. We had a terrific time and I have never seen anyone so happy to see us. Laurel walked up to the door and Bella just started crying, tears of joy. We enjoyed a week in Madison playing with cousins, going to the pumpkin patch and having birthday cake. It was an amazing trip until our adventure home. Laurel and I left Madison at 8:00 am (she was also coming down w/ a cold..oh joy) and we boarded the plane in Milwaukee and everything went smooth from there. Until we got to Bush International ( I think that was the problem right there) and we were to land in Albuquerque at 3:45 and then make the 2 and 1/2 hour drive home. This all seemed doable until we landed in Los Alamos, 2 hours from our destination. The pilot told us there was bad weather and that we were going to refuel in Santa Fe and then we would arrive in ABQ. That was not the case.
We were stuck in Los Alalmos without a way to get of the plane nor a way to get to ABQ. The plane could not take off of the run way because it was only 300 ft long. Yes 300 ft long. They had never had a large plane land on there landing strip. WOW. It was a scary landing to say the least. However, when we landed there are no gates and no way for us to get off the plane. Laurel continued to be a doll. Not a single peep; she was amazing. So there in the rainy distance is a firetruck..huh?? Well you see there is no way for us to get off of the airplane. At this point Laurel is sooo excited and I was soooo thankful for the firetruck and safe landing. So that was not the most exciting part...we climbed down the ladder with the assistance of the firefighters. So cool. Then we made into the small (i mean small airport) and we were told it would be 45 minutes or so before the bus comes to pick us up. What bus, yes bus. Ok Laurel is sooo totally psyched to get to ride on a bus. Wow it was an adventure that is for sure. She loved it and feel asleep on the 3 hour bus ride to Albuquerque and then we drove home. It was an adventure, but we were safe and had a great trip to see the family. I wouldn't change it for the world.
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